My name is Leif (Layf), the runaway behind The Runaway Guide.
When I was 16 I ran away from home and explored the far reaches of Europe and the Middle East without a cent to my name.
It was a journey that opened my eyes to the world and changed my life. I met enlightening people and immersed myself in various ways of life. I also learned some techniques to travel cheap without sacrificing comfort.
On this site I share these travel experiences, in order to prepare, empower and inspire others to embark on their own journeys no matter what the budget.
Join me on my current journey around Central America. Follow me on Facebook and sign up for my monthly newsletter to get updates from the road.
Disclaimer: Due to the sometimes illegal nature of my guides, you are advised to read at your own risk. I assume no responsibility for any action that might be taken in my name or work.The Runaway Guide does not condone or encourage people under 18 to literally run away.
Facts About Me
1. I have been to 70+ countries during the past 10 years.
2. I have never drank my own urine to survive.
3. I once ate an ant in Australia, it tasted like lemonade.
4. I speak Norwegian, French and Japanese.
5. My favorite foods are: Grays Papaya hot dogs, Turiellos pizza, In-N-Out DD animal style burgers, Chipotle burritos, and Okonomiyaki.
6. I am 1/2 Norwegian, 1/4 Irish, and 1/4 Japanese.
7. My favorite countries to visit are Guatemala & Malaysia.
8. My favorite pastime besides traveling is sailing.
9. My favorite motto: The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.
10. My life’s poem: I came and left like a passing train. A trip within a journey. A life like another, a life unknown. The life of Leif remains unknown.
For More Info About Me
1) The Best Part About Being The Runaway Guide
2) Everyone Thinks I’m Running Away
3) The Runaway Guide On Fox News
To Support Me
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To Contact me:
Connect with me on my Facebook page (quickest response) The Runaway Guide
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Possibilities, Travel Deals & News From The Road twice a month.
How, where, and when did you get the computer? Did you run away with it? Is it trackable?
I am figuratively on the run these days. I bet laptops are trackable but it would take quite a bit of effort I think.
You’re ridiculous. Can we travel together?
hahah, thanks, I appreciate that. Yea, if you’re up for some ridiculousness :)
hey mate, im currently 19 and the only thing i want to do is travel the world, bring me with you man lool
Dude, join me on a tour!
Woow.. I stumbled across this website and I’ve just been addicted to reading it since. I find it amazing how you’ve managed to just.. well, simply run away and survive the world. I was wondering though when reading this – have you gone back home since running away, or have you just kept on running and running? I’d love to to live like a free spirit!
Good Luck & God Bless You,
– Misha
Thanks Misha, glad you have found it entertaining. I have gone back home but it is never for too long though. I’m addicted to the free life.
All of the stories that I’ve read on other websites about teens running away have ALWAYS ended up badly. The teenager either got raped, addicted to drugs, was beaten up pretty badly, or lost hope and returned home, OR all of these things combined. How is it that you seem to have escaped all of this? What did you do differently than they did? Have you ever almost died?
Hey Bob,
I guess I just got lucky.
I did almost die a few times though.
The most precarious situation was when I jumped the border.
You can check out an abridged version of the story here,
More to come in my book though so stay in touch.
When did you parents first see you after you ran away? Did they find you or did you return home?
Have you talked to your parents since running away ?? what do they think about all of this lol ?
Yes I have, they weren’t happy, and they worried a lot. No everything is ok though.
Impressive. XD I wish I had the guts like you to explore the world.
Just wondering, since you say you ran away at age 16, did you not complete high school? Just curious. :)
You can definitely do it too! I got my GED later.
i live i newfounland canada u shoulds come here it wud be soooooo cool and hav u ever been in canada
Ive been to Montreal. Thanks for the invite, maybe one day. Cheers, Leif
Awesome and inspiring. I hope to someday follow in your footsteps, but for the meantime, I’ll stick to reading about your adventures/misadventures and praying for your safety. Travel more, eat well and tell us more about the world. :)
Hi Leif when you went to Australia how long did you stay there? Which state, and did you do any jobs there? thanks
I went to Australia before I I became the runaway guide :) So, it was more like a vacation with extended family. I would really like to go back though.
leif your blog is addictive my freind was also impressed by the phrase ‘ass quivering diaoreha’ personally i prefer for the sake of your rectum. how is la citta eterna? where and when do you leave?
Haha, thanks Rebecca. Rome was great, I ended up meeting some chinese kids on the train and they brought me back to a secret chinese only hostel. I felt like I was in China lol. Im down in Palermo now and gonna take the boat to Tunis tomorrow. Hows tricks in Pisa?
where did you start your first adventure and how did you get there
Where was your home before you ran away?
New York
Wow! I stumbled across this website while looking for help with writing a story (I’ve been reading this all day), and it’s been extremely useful, and I’ll be damned if it doesn’y make me want to run away and live like a free spirit. (Even though I kinda do, I’m 14 and I save the adventures for a later summer. :) )
Thanks Chloe, I appreciate it!
Hi Leif,
Thanks for dropping by my blog. Your header banner is so cute! Can’t wait to read more about your runaway’s blog. Are you going to finish your story?
Anyway, I have added your blog link into my website. Can you add mine as well with this description: To escape from rat race trap and to travel freely is Shel’s inspiration. This blog serves as an initiative to move towards her dreams.
I love the header banner of this blog, very represented the blog title :D
Thanks Budi! I had Hop & Jaunt do it for me.
great blog love it!
crazy mustard-man!
what an amazing idea! and how lucky am i to have shared some of those mad stories with you. cant wait for you to publish your valium-tranquillizer incident in chisinau.. you idiot… and dont forget to put in the peace corps headquarters as a place to get free showes.. heheh.. one day we gonna buy this boat and sail down the danupe. i promise!! love you heaps!!!
Leif – I love this!! Excellent idea.