My name is Leif (Layf), the runaway behind The Runaway Guide.
When I was 16 I ran away from home and explored the far reaches of Europe and the Middle East without a cent to my name.
It was a journey that opened my eyes to the world and changed my life. I met enlightening people and immersed myself in various ways of life. I also learned some techniques to travel cheap without sacrificing comfort.
On this site I share these travel experiences, in order to prepare, empower and inspire others to embark on their own journeys no matter what the budget.
Join me on my current journey around Central America. Follow me on Facebook and sign up for my monthly newsletter to get updates from the road.
Disclaimer: Due to the sometimes illegal nature of my guides, you are advised to read at your own risk. I assume no responsibility for any action that might be taken in my name or work.The Runaway Guide does not condone or encourage people under 18 to literally run away.
Facts About Me
1. I have been to 70+ countries during the past 10 years.
2. I have never drank my own urine to survive.
3. I once ate an ant in Australia, it tasted like lemonade.
4. I speak Norwegian, French and Japanese.
5. My favorite foods are: Grays Papaya hot dogs, Turiellos pizza, In-N-Out DD animal style burgers, Chipotle burritos, and Okonomiyaki.
6. I am 1/2 Norwegian, 1/4 Irish, and 1/4 Japanese.
7. My favorite countries to visit are Guatemala & Malaysia.
8. My favorite pastime besides traveling is sailing.
9. My favorite motto: The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.
10. My life’s poem: I came and left like a passing train. A trip within a journey. A life like another, a life unknown. The life of Leif remains unknown.
For More Info About Me
1) The Best Part About Being The Runaway Guide
2) Everyone Thinks I’m Running Away
3) The Runaway Guide On Fox News
To Support Me
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To Contact me:
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Possibilities, Travel Deals & News From The Road twice a month.
You story is amazing !! Feel now I’m 26 to old and have missed my chance would love to just get away and travel!!!☺
Nah, no way. 26 is young. You should do it! Let me know if you ever need help!
I was on YouTube, and I saw the video when you was in El Salvador, ah aha very funny. You should take another trip there again, I know some cool places to visit.
Hey, thanks! I just went back there a few weeks ago and saw that guy again. Let me know, always open to new things to do!
ok, I didn’t know where to put this comment, so I choose here, I have no idea when you sent that email, but I love your story so far, you should definitely finish it, I would love to read the rest.
Thanks for the support! I’m working on it!!
Even though I’m in college now, and I have a time limit to be done, you’ve inspired me to adventure after I’m done and before I start my career.
I’ve always wanted to travel, but I never knew the right way to go through with it. It’s sounds amazing and a definite learning adventure.
How old are you know might I ask?
Glad to inspire! Let me know if you ever want help planning your next trip. I’m 25 now actually. Need to update that.
I’m so happy that you are enjoying your life and doing what you love. Looking forward to reading more of your stories.
Stay safe!
Hey Raffi,
Thanks! Hope you’re doing well too.
Leif you are right
life is pointless without travel and experience
my parents want me to fit in with society and work in the same place forever and lose this precious life doing what everyone else is doing
this is my life im gonna live it my way and have fun
thanks for making this guide it really gave me a higher understanding
Thanks for the compliments, I appreciate it. Glad you enjoy the site. Let me know if you ever need help planning a trip. Cheers, Leif
Thanks! This was really helpful while I was back packing through Europe. Tips on cheap living allowed me to keep the travels going longer than they would have otherwise. Keep it up!
Hey Mariel,
That’s great, glad I could help. I will, cheers!
hey leif,
i found your blog from gobackpacking website.
i’m from malaysia and feel proud reading the fact no. 7. please come again!
all the best for your next trip!
Hi Karima,
That’s great. I will definitely go to Malaysia again!!!! Cheers!
“Disclaimer: Do to the sometimes illegal nature of my guides, you are advised to read at your own risk. I assume no responsibility for any action that might be taken in my name or work.”
It should say “DUE to the sometimes illegal nature of my guides…”
Thanks for catching that, cheers :)
Do you need a passport to do all this?
Hey, yea, definitely need a passport.
Haha love the line “I have never drank my own urine to survive”. I’m guessing you watch Bear Grylls?
Hey Ally, and I hope I never will have too lol. Yea, I love bear grylls, he’s one of my idols for sure.
Great post and great site!!
Its true we use every excuse under the sun to not achieve our goals…Im certainly guilty of that and whilst we all have limitations, it should not prevent us from trying…
Ive just turned 40, single, good job, debt free.. I have some health problems and concerns of being a solo female on the road, but It can be done…
I spent a year traveling through Asia several years ago and I got by on very little and a 30ltr back pack… It was amazing how genuinely happy I was and the experiences I had along the way….Never been the same since, my wonderful job and flat just doesnt even compare.
Looking forward to giving it another go and hearing more about your experiences…and of course any solo females doing the same thing…
Ana Gabriella , London UK.
Hey Ana,
Thanks! I’m not sure what happened. Sometimes dodgy internet screws things up ><. It can definitely be done, as you know. I have actually met loads of girls traveling alone, even once a 5ft tall deaf girl on her own. She was something. I'm excited for you! Let me know if you need help finding cheap flights! Good luck, Leif
Hi! I’m 18 years old and recently graduated high school and I’m convinced that college just isn’t right for me. The only true passion I have is to travel and see as much of the world as I can. I live in upstate NY and I’m working at a local coffee shop and just saving, saving, saving to pursue this dream of mine. I think my main concern is where to begin and how to maintain atleast a constant *safe* amount of money in my pocket through my travels. Help! x
Hey Brandy,
I’m excited for you. You should definitely try and save as much as you can and then hit the road. Much of the world is relatively cheap. SE Asia is a good place to start. Or, even closer, south america. You can always find odd jobs along the way to keep you going. Hostel/hotel work is often easy to come by.
Hi :) I am thinking about traveling after school because we don´t have money for college/university and i really like traveling etc. I just found this site and it looks great, i hope it will be a good source of information.It´s funny that you are 1/2 norwegian because i am trying to learn norwegian language…it´s not getting very well because i am too lazy :D btw where are you actually from?
greetings form Slovakia :) (have you ever been here?)
I’m from New York. Thanks for the language sites. If you know English, Norwegian is probably one of the easiest languages to learn. I would watch the news on NRK on the internet if I were you. I have been to Slovakia, I love it there! Good luck.
Must say does sound pretty inspiring and something i would definitely would love to do but one question how? How do you go to places with no money? Either planes, boats, cards and ect. I’m sure there are people nice enough in some country to help but i know many countries where they wont even care to give a helping hand if they see you sleeping in the street (Ukraine).
Hey Anton, you’re right, in some countries, especially ex soviete satellite states, where people can be a little less kind. However, if you’re really in a bind, there is always someone who will help. I am in the process of developing a new blog about all things free travel. It’s not quite finished yet, but you can have a sneak peak if you would like,
Hey Leif!
Love your website,it really makes me want to just get up and travel the world :) At the moment i`m just waiting to finish my last year of school,but after that hope to travel! i would love to visit the rest of Europe,but also South East Asia (Thailand,Vietnam,Laos,etc) and also Africa,esp.Sierra Leone,South Africa,Tanzania,Zimbabwe,and Kenya :)
I know this is probably a question that is often asked,but what extra advice would you give to a Female traveller? I was planning to go travelling alone,but i am kind of nervous about it:are there any extra precautions that i can take?
I have enough money to get around,but in general,is it easy to get work abroad? I don`t want to end up running out of money…i would not mind working abroad,its more experience :p
ooh and what is the best country you have visited :D?
Alice x
Hey Alice,
Thanks a lot! You’re travel plans sound great! Traveling as a girl is pretty safe. I depends where you are but for the most part you shouldn’t have too many problems. Chances are, you will meet up with other backpackers and travel/hang out for the day with them. It’s pretty easy to get work abroad, check out my article on under the table backpacker jobs. I really like Malaysia and turkey.
Hello my dear friend
I Abdel-Moneim of Libya and work Architect and I love to travel and get to know friends Jidiin We met in the hostel in Tunisia and we were introduced to each other you Taattzkrny I am very impressed Bazvk the Oboe You are playing well and in a manner witch I hope we meet again told me before he comes to visit Tunisia or Egypt or any country close until we meet again and arrange and become friends forever and thank you
Hey Menem, good to hear from you. I will let you know when I go back to egypt/tunisia. Until then, all the best.
hey leif…..
well insperational…your my new roll model…..i have dreamt for years of a free life and how to attain it i thought you would need money and lots of UNTIL i found your web site…
so i’m gonna do it i got nothin to loose im 36 male im gonna take your advice. get a pack take £1.500 money to get me started im still thinking were to start not sure yet im in uk so either europe france making my down south to med and affrica….or right over to east asia thailand/cambodea way…………thanks for the insperation bud…maybe see ya on the road one day soon…..
30 days left till i leave the ground hog rat race yaaay…
Hey Paul, thanks! Definitely go for it. Let me know if you need any advice planning :) Good luck, Leif
Hey Leif,, Its great pleasure having you here @ GREEN FOREST NUTRITION,,,, Hppe to see you again ,,,for breakfast,,,
Same, thanks Brian. Good to meet you!
Hey Lief,,, Its pleasure meeting you,,, and i m sure you love our Healthy Shake from Herbalife … Looking for wardto see you for breakfast and chat about your adventure on travelling