My name is Leif (Layf), the runaway behind The Runaway Guide.
When I was 16 I ran away from home and explored the far reaches of Europe and the Middle East without a cent to my name.
It was a journey that opened my eyes to the world and changed my life. I met enlightening people and immersed myself in various ways of life. I also learned some techniques to travel cheap without sacrificing comfort.
On this site I share these travel experiences, in order to prepare, empower and inspire others to embark on their own journeys no matter what the budget.
Join me on my current journey around Central America. Follow me on Facebook and sign up for my monthly newsletter to get updates from the road.
Disclaimer: Due to the sometimes illegal nature of my guides, you are advised to read at your own risk. I assume no responsibility for any action that might be taken in my name or work.The Runaway Guide does not condone or encourage people under 18 to literally run away.
Facts About Me
1. I have been to 70+ countries during the past 10 years.
2. I have never drank my own urine to survive.
3. I once ate an ant in Australia, it tasted like lemonade.
4. I speak Norwegian, French and Japanese.
5. My favorite foods are: Grays Papaya hot dogs, Turiellos pizza, In-N-Out DD animal style burgers, Chipotle burritos, and Okonomiyaki.
6. I am 1/2 Norwegian, 1/4 Irish, and 1/4 Japanese.
7. My favorite countries to visit are Guatemala & Malaysia.
8. My favorite pastime besides traveling is sailing.
9. My favorite motto: The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.
10. My life’s poem: I came and left like a passing train. A trip within a journey. A life like another, a life unknown. The life of Leif remains unknown.
For More Info About Me
1) The Best Part About Being The Runaway Guide
2) Everyone Thinks I’m Running Away
3) The Runaway Guide On Fox News
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Possibilities, Travel Deals & News From The Road twice a month.
How did you get to Europe without a cent to your name?
I slept on the street and ate from dumpsters mostly.
Hey Leif,
I’ve been trying to find some harvesting work somewhere in Europe, but am finding it pretty difficult. Have you got any tips on where to start? I’ve e-mailed a few farms but no luck yet. I also don’t have a second language yet, so that doesn’t help, as I hear France is a good place to look.
Check out and Language is a good thing to know but not always necessary. Good luck!
What a story! Have you considered visiting Saudi Arabia? And what’s your horoscope? (I’m too curious)
Hey! Thanks! I’ve spent some time in Sudan and in the Riyadh airport. While I would like to visit Mecca one day, I don’t have any plans to visit Saudi Arabia any time soon. I’m a virgo :)
I’m think of going to Malaysia. Can you share some things since you list it as 1 of your fave countries? Is it safe for a woman traveling alone?
Hey Leila, it’s definitely safe for solo female travelers! I love the night market in Malacca.
Hey man, I like what your doing with your life, I love travelling too, I have a question, I have just moved back in the parents house after renting a room didn’t go so well, I’m 23 and it kinda sucks, I originally planned to sleep rough on the streets or wherever I felt was safe to save loads of money (I have a job) but I got scared and backed out, can I ask if you have slept rough a lot in your life ? were you scared or worried ? should I leave the parents to sleep rough ? any advice ? I live in the UK.
Hey Jack, thanks brother. You’re 23! All these problems are good problems. You’ve got loads of choices! I’ve slept rough for about a year or so. It can definitely be dangerous. But the more you do it, the smarter you get and the less stressful it becomes. All my best
Hey. I follow ur blog:) Im just 19 and I wanted to run away but people says its not safe for a girl. I think it will good for me:)
Hey, It’s definitely safe. I know a 20 year old girl who’s biking around the world right now.
Hey there, Leif, I’ve been following your travel blog for some time, and I think it’s great that you live your life like his. I, myself, want to travel for maybe a year after I finish highschool. But just a little different. I wanted to base my travels on using as little money as possible, just earn the money as I go, but not by travel-writing or anything. Like, work for money, exchange work for a place to sleep, that sort of thing… Though it is kind of awkward to just go up and offer people stuffl like this. How do you go about asking a restaurant owner or any other business owner about any odd jobs they might have? Any tips would be greatly appreciated ^^ Also, what are your thoughts about what is most essencial? I’ve seen your list, but I was thinking something more lightweight, no pc or anything. Also, what are your thoughts on pocket knives? I have a opinel nr. 12 that belonged to my grandfather, just not sure if I would need it, or if it would be too big… And I’d primarilly like to travel on foot, no plane or anything (don’t mind boats and buses though). Seeing as I live in Portugal, I wouldn’t need to catch a plane to Europe or anything… If you could offer me an opinion or something, I’d love to hear it :D
Hey Alex, thanks!
The most important thing is to present yourself well. No one will hire you if it looks like you’ve just walked off the street.
The best way to find a job is by asking around. Someone always knows someone who needs help.
Essentials: shorts, jeans, longjohns, boxers and socks in a small backpack really. I’d leave the pocket knife at home cause you won’t be able to take your bag carry on.
If you’re in Portugal why not start with the Camino De Santiago and walk it the opposite direction :)
Hehe, I’ve walked the Camino de Santiago when I was 13, that’s what left the ”travelling on foot bug” in me, if that’s even a thing :) I want to go for something bigger, because I just feel like a regular life of going to college and studying, getting a 9 to 5 job just because we’re expected to makes life lose purpose :P Not that I don’t plan on going to college, but I want to live a little first, you know? :D Otherwise, we’re just here waiting to die IMO :)
Hey Alex, that’s amazing! I think taking time off before college is an excellent idea and more people should do it. If you ever want some help planning, let me know :)
So, you ran away at 16 right and was on the road for about a year I heard. What happened after that did you complete high school, go to college, get a G.E.D.? Just curious although I support what your doing and think you’ve got a very interesting life.
Hey, yea, that’s right. After I got my GED, I went to college at UCSB, and then went to graduate school for a time in Tokyo. Now I’m doing this :)
hey leif, how did you handle getting visa and maintaining your passport without going back to ur home country? And how are you doing? Your life seems really exciting but it cant be easy
Hey, you can basically just keep going from country to country. You don’t technically need to go back to your home country when it comes to getting visas for others. I’m doing really well, thanks! I’ve been living this lifestyle for sometime now, so it seems normal to me now.
If you need a passport to do this, where are you able to get one?
Most post offices offer passport services.
Back in the day (Late 1970s), My family lived in San Salvador, I have memories of two places. I’m not sure they still exist, but do you know the “park” in country which was a series of ponds linked by small waterfalls and there were stones in the ponds so you could cross without getting wet.
The other place was like a huge playground made of smooth concrete, I want to say it was near the Olympic Swimming Training facility.
I still love Salvadorian pupusas, and the black sand beaches.
Hey Dan, I don’t think I’ve ever been to those places. But you should come back and try and find them for yourself! Love me some papusas as well!
I decided I’m waiting until I’m 18 to run away. I definitely don’t want to 9-5 for the remainder of my life after college though. I’m 14 now, I have approximately 1386 days left, and I currently have a countdown. However, I’m planning my journey already. I don’t care that my mom and dad don’t want me to “waste my potential” because it’s just a waste of life to give the majority of your time to someone else. I don’t know why people just accept that they have to do boring work for the rest of there lives. These aren’t feudal times, we fought the war for independence, so there is no reason there is still the equivalent of slavery. I’m going to sleep on the floor tonight to see what it’s like sleeping on the street.
Hey, that’s really great to hear. Preparing now, while you have a roof and food, is the best way to go about it.
Love your spirit and outlook on life. When the time comes, let me know and I’ll help you plan your trip! Until then, good luck!
hi i just stumbled across this it caught my eye, i served in the army as an infantryman,ive been out for a year now and honestly i cant stand to be in the states not because i hate this country i dont i love it, all the freedoms we have that other couldnt dream of having, but because when i deployed i saw that they had nothing the towns wreecked of burning trash, urine, fecies, and various other smells that would make a billy goat puke andthe people there even though some would love nothing more than to kill me and others like me but thats what war is, i come home and everyone has their own opinions n stuff but i went to a lake with some friends i deployed with and they were college kids they said soldiers suck they deserve to die just slandering us up n down they didnt know we were military and this westboro baptist church, i see teenagers complaing that they didnt get the newest phone, or they didnt get Xbox one or whatever the people here bother me the people who “lead us” seem to care nothing for us a friend of mine and myself wanna leave we both live in WV whats would you say is the best way to get started im working on getting my passport but after that what would you advise we take with us where do you think would be a good place to start or just kinda idk go somewhere without a plan (apologies for the story)
Hey Jeffrey, I hear ya. Thanks for sharing your experience.
My recommendation is Central America, and Lake Atitlan, Guatemala in particular.
Friendly locals, cheap prices, beautiful spring climate, cool expats, and hostel and restaurant jobs are easy to come by.
Wow, I’m so glad I found this. This is really nice inspiration! I have really bad wanderlust and constantly want to travel and learn things from the world, but have commitments to my education right now! But I’m definitely keeping this bookmarked, maybe within the next couple years I can save up funds and go adventure with a friend or two! :)
It’s nice to know traveling as a girl isn’t a death sentence, that is definitely something I’ve always been a little nervous about.
Hey Jaz, glad you like the guide! Sounds good, let me know if you ever need advice.
Actually a few things came together in the last month and I’m headed to Costa Rica this winter! All I’m going to have is a ticket there and back and a friend in Alajuela, and of course emergency money; I have no set plans!
Any advice or what surrounding areas are must-sees (if you know of any!) would be really awesome :)
And your experiences in Italy look absolutely amazing!!
Hey Jaz, that’s great news! That’s my favorite way to travel! I really love the free hot spring river in La Fortuna, and I love the tropical paradise in Pavones. Yea, Sicily has been wonderful :) Such great people and weather and food.
I also wanted to ask if you knew why that ant tasted like lemon aide? :)
When you bite the but of this particular ant native to australia it tastes like an extremely sour lemon.
I just wanted to ask, if you don’t mind, how you got to London from New York when you were alone and a minor? Thank you, I love your blog :)
Hey Ruby, thanks. As long as you have a passport you can buy a ticket in cash at the airport.
Hey Leif. Your blog is a brilliant work. I’m planning to do a backpacking trip from Malaysia/Thailand to Egypt for a few months next year. Any advice for my budget? Because I have concern that 2000 dollars that I plan is not enough. I’m from Indonesia, and around your age, by the way. Have you ever been to Indonesia?
Hi Dimas, Thanks. 2000 should get you between 3-5 months depending on how careful you are. I’ve never been but I will soon i think. Good luck :)
Are you like an illegal imigrant since you ran away from your country?
No, not any more fortunately. I’m a US citizen.
I was wondering, if you runaway with that age what did the police did? Do you exist in the computers of your country? Are you like an ilegal immigrant?
Hey Jem, it was 2004, the same year Facebook started. The police had me in their computer systems. Today I’m not illegal fortunately, I’m in the system.
I love to travel as well! I’d love to backpack and I’d love to do it alone.
However because I’m a girl, my parents are worried.
As of now I’m 16 and I’m still packed with school work.
I’m planning to do a small backpacking trip for my grad trip!
I graduate in May of 2015 and since I’ve been in Asia, I want to go elsewhere.
Preferably cheap too!
Any ideas?
Hey Mizuka! Go to Central America!!! it’s great here, especially for backpacking. Check out this article,