My name is Leif (Layf), the runaway behind The Runaway Guide.
When I was 16 I ran away from home and explored the far reaches of Europe and the Middle East without a cent to my name.
It was a journey that opened my eyes to the world and changed my life. I met enlightening people and immersed myself in various ways of life. I also learned some techniques to travel cheap without sacrificing comfort.
On this site I share these travel experiences, in order to prepare, empower and inspire others to embark on their own journeys no matter what the budget.
Join me on my current journey around Central America. Follow me on Facebook and sign up for my monthly newsletter to get updates from the road.
Disclaimer: Due to the sometimes illegal nature of my guides, you are advised to read at your own risk. I assume no responsibility for any action that might be taken in my name or work.The Runaway Guide does not condone or encourage people under 18 to literally run away.
Facts About Me
1. I have been to 70+ countries during the past 10 years.
2. I have never drank my own urine to survive.
3. I once ate an ant in Australia, it tasted like lemonade.
4. I speak Norwegian, French and Japanese.
5. My favorite foods are: Grays Papaya hot dogs, Turiellos pizza, In-N-Out DD animal style burgers, Chipotle burritos, and Okonomiyaki.
6. I am 1/2 Norwegian, 1/4 Irish, and 1/4 Japanese.
7. My favorite countries to visit are Guatemala & Malaysia.
8. My favorite pastime besides traveling is sailing.
9. My favorite motto: The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.
10. My life’s poem: I came and left like a passing train. A trip within a journey. A life like another, a life unknown. The life of Leif remains unknown.
For More Info About Me
1) The Best Part About Being The Runaway Guide
2) Everyone Thinks I’m Running Away
3) The Runaway Guide On Fox News
To Support Me
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To Contact me:
Connect with me on my Facebook page (quickest response) The Runaway Guide
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Stumble with me at TheRunawayGuide
Possibilities, Travel Deals & News From The Road twice a month.
Bro r u alive still? Its been 12 years since the last comment you’ve made in this website. I hope best for you lol <3
still kicking! Had 2 kids! Been adjusting to Papa life. New posts coming soon though!
Do you think it would be possible for a vegan to travel like this?
Hi Miko,
It really depends on the country. But I think you would be able to get by just about everywhere as a Vegan :)
hey, can I just say you are so damn inspiring!!!??? I’m thinking of running away too but once I’m 18 and legal. however, I have a dream to be a designer and I’m afraid that without a single cent on me, I’m unable to fulfill that dream. that’s the only thing that’s stopping me from running away. I wish to go completely off the grid, change my identity, but still be able to attend university. yeah, a bit unrealistic don’t you think? but I really want to make this work so do you have any tips for me?
Any plans for a visit to India
Hey! I’ve actually been way back in 2008. Visited Rajastan and most of the north for about 5 months. It was great, but really tough as I only had 1700 USD for the whole trip! I will be back though and next time with more money.
Hi, im starting my adventure on the 31st of August and heading for Europe, im from Scotland and cant wait to go. From reading alot online etc it seems that Italian picking jobs will be ripe at the time of year im going. (No pun intended) I love your blog and I only just discovered it today. Keep up the free life and writing your blog, its very inspiring!
Hey Steven, that sounds great! End of Aug is a great time to travel cause prices fall and you usually don’t need to book hostel/hotels in advance. Thanks for the compliments, glad you find the guide useful. If you ever need any tips, let me know. Good luck!
It must have been tough for you while wandering like a true free spirit. You’re a survivor man! Come visit Sunny Singapore some time soon! :-)
Hey Lynn, thanks for the compliments and the offer! I may just take you up on that. Cheers!
Hi Leif! I have a question hitting up my mind.. like you said you ran away without a cent to your name, so how did you manage to pay for air trips? As far as I know, they “don’t” give away tickets for free, indeed. :)
I only took one flight and the rest was on foot or by train.
You like visiting Malaysia eh? Well I’m from Malaysia and if I want to be honest, I hate it here. Not the food, not the culture, but my family and some friends I have here. I never fit in with them but with a few people. Nonetheless, I want to run away and find my own path. I’m 19 and I’m not as smart as a lot would expect, but I do have a cunning mind that helps me plan ahead. One day I might tell people my stories too (I’m an author in-training)
Hahah, I’m sorry to hear it. Malaysia is really one of my favorites. There are so many opportunities and different cultures to enjoy in KL. Well, keep writing and reading and honing your skills. Good luck brother.
Auybowan Leif
We will soon be seeing you in Srilanka .
Me and my team is awaiting to welcome you and do let us know if you have anything specific you like to expereince or see.
In the mean time if you have any advice for us to promote cinnamon hotels and resorts pleas do let us know
Awaiting to see you in Srilanka
Thanking you
Dileep Mudadeniya
Vp brand marketing
Cinnamon hotels and resorts
Hey! Looking forward to seeing you there.
Thanks for the offer!
I’m going to be making the announcement very soon about you and the conference.