Vacations are something that people tend to feel one of two ways about. A lot of people find them such an exciting prospect that they end up being what they look forward to the most throughout their entire work calendar. This is understandable due to how much of a relaxing getaway they can be, but […]
The World’s Best Wallet: For Travelers & Spies Alike
8 years! I’ve been hanging with good ol’ Bellroy now for 8 years. We’ve climbed Mt. Fuji, motorcycled around Nepal, and road tripped Scandinavia together to name a few. All this time, you’ve always had my back. Like that time I had no pen to fill out the customs form and you were there with […]
How to Get Better at Golf
If you are tired of never quite managing to get to the top in your game of golf, or you know you could do better but can’t seem to get there, then don’t worry. It is possible to improve your golf game, and it doesn’t take too much to get there. Here are some of […]
Guate’s Up On Lake Atitlan During Covid-19?
Where is your license plate? Where are your papers? Demanded the cop in Spanish. Around him stood 4 AK-47 toting masked military men. It’s times like these that you need to decide. You either let your nerves dominate you, or you… Boom. Game time. Spanish words that my subconscious somehow picked up from “Money Heist,” […]
How I Became Co-Creator Of Buddha Bear’s Enlightenment Coloring Book
When I ran away from home nearly 15 years ago, I never would have imagined I would be creating Buddhism inspired children’s books. To be honest, I always hoped I would be working as side kick to Indiana Jones or James Bond. Looking back though, it all somehow makes sense. So many of my experiences […]
Lufthansa First Class LH 760 Review: Italy To Nepal For 65k Points
After a scenic flight over the alps, our small plane taxied into it’s parking spot at Frankfurt Auf Main airport. Out the window a black Porche pulled up beside the plane. “Jesus, look at that beauty of a car, it’s probably here to pick up the Prime Minister or something,” I whispered. We walked down […]
Yakety Yak Hostel: Rustic Refuge In The Heart Of Thamel
With so many accommodation options in Thamel, it’s difficult to decide where to stay. If you’re on a super tight budget, there are plenty of grungy hostels with dorm beds for just a few bucks a night. But if you’re looking for comfort, convenience, cleanliness, aesthetics, and a social atmosphere, Yakety Yak Hostel is where […]
How Shopify Changed My Life: The First 1,000,000 in Sales
Life is something remarkable. One day you’re a homeless vagabond sitting up against a building getting pooped on simultaneously by two birds. The next day you’re on the 119th floor of the Ritz Carlton Hong Kong eating petit fours. It’s been almost 20 months since I made my first sale on Shopify. There’s not a […]
From Rags To Real Living: A Broke Runaway Turned Independent Entrepreneur
When I turned 28, I had to make a change. I was tired of sleeping on the street and eating leftovers from the dumpster. Most of all, I hated the stress of having to borrow money from friends, constantly check my account, and pay countless overdraft fees. I could not live on the edge anymore. […]
How To Start A Travel Blog & Make Real Money
Can you actually make money with a sports, fashion, food, travel or any kind of blog? Most people either don’t believe it’s possible or feel that they lack the confidence, computer skills, and writing ability to begin. In the beginning, I had held a similar skepticism, and complete lack of confidence. But today, I’m making enough money through this blog to […]
Touring Nepal By Motorcycle: The Good, The Bad, The Spectacular
When you’re riding, you’re exposed. Warm valley updrafts caress your mountain chilled skin. Nostril burning cityscapes give way to sweet forests and fields. Curious locals greet you every time you stop to rest. You experience the world without filter. The resulting memory is vivid, pure, and forever beckoning you to return. Having motorcycled through parts […]
Runaway Nepal: 10 Days, 50 Travel Writers, 420 miles, 1 Bullet
After a Tom Yum soup filled five days in Bangkok I’ve just arrived to Nepal. I had originally planned to come here to find & develop products for my business, but was suddenly invited by the Nepalese government to join a 10 day tour of the country. Together with group of over 50 travel writers from […]
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