Though you wouldn’t think it, Japan has one of the most innovative and exceptionally kinky sex cultures. From pornographic cartoons and comics, to a variety of fantasy love motels, host clubs, bondage venues, sex doll rentals, and S&M, Japan caters to almost every sex fetish. So, whether you want to get in on the action, […]
How To Work On A Luxury Yacht
There are few jobs as ideal for the long-term budget backpacker or runaway than working aboard a private luxury yacht. If you are lucky enough to become a crewmember aboard one of these glamorous behemoths, you can expect an adventure like no other. However, finding work aboard a private yacht is no easy endeavor and […]
My Lucky 7
Many thanks to my fellow travel bloggers, Australia Rocky Travel, Nomadic Samuel, Pause The Moment & Man On The Lam to name a few, for nominating me for the seven links project. Thanks also to TripBase for coming up with such a great way to revive some of our oldies but goodies. Without further ado, here […]
The Hookah High: Everything You Need To Know
The first time I smoked the Hookah was in Istanbul, Turkey. I had been wandering the cobblestone streets by the sea when yet another shopkeeper invited me in for a cup of apple tea. Though I was already buzzing from countless similar invitations, I thought it would be rude to refuse and so I entered […]
How To Be Successful In Blogging & In Life
Over the last couple of months, I have been in my basement working night and day towards the success of this blog. I have been so obsessed that I have rarely paid visit to my good friend the sun. However, in the past two weeks, my motivation has drastically begun to wane. Worried over my […]
How To Become A Pirate
Among the prospective life paths I envisioned as a child, becoming a pirate ranked right up there with Indiana Jones, James Bond, and Batman. What could be cooler than climbing aboard a ship with a bunch of one eyed, ragtag, parrot wearing sailors and setting sail in search of plunder and adventure in the unknowns […]
How To Run Away From Home & Travel The World
*The Following guide is intended for real aspiring runaways and less oriented towards the budget backpacker. My decision to run away from home wasn’t only motivated by my desire to travel. In fact, to be honest, much of it had to do with a growing depression surrounding school and life in general. Like many 16 […]
Hangover Cures From Around The World
It’s the butt crack of dawn, an ungodly hour of the early light when you suddenly awake from a deep and dreamless sleep. “ahhh, horse shit,” you mutter. Your neck is stiff and throbbing, vomit is creeping into your throat, and you are experiencing a temporary case of vertigo. All you can think about besides […]
How To Avoid Traveler’s Diarrhea: Lessons Learned
Diarrhea, the squirts, the runs, geri, splitskas, layseh mogen, or anal leakage; what ever you call it, it rarely makes for a pleasant afternoon. In all seriousness though, for the traveler, diarrhea is one of the most common and potentially life threatening ailments that can occur. And if you’re going backpacking in a developing country, […]
Free Fun In NYC
Like any major Western metropolis, New York City is expensive. From Cab rides, to hotels, dinning on the town and theater entertainment, it’s easy to spend a small fortune. However, acquiring a New York experience doesn’t have to put you into credit card debt. If you’re a backpacker, runaway or an open minded tourist, there are […]
Overcoming Your Travel Anxiety
Traveling is my passion and I can think of nothing more liberating and exciting than hitting the open road. Nothing is fixed and nothing is planned, and everything is in the hands of fate. And so, I guess it is the unknown that really turns me on. At the same time, it is the unknown […]
How To Sleep On The Street
If you want to save some money and think you got what it takes to brave the elements, the homeless, the police and the prostitutes, you may want to consider hitting the streets for a not always good nights rest too. The following guide will offer you priceless tips, from picking the safest spots to […]