Can you actually make money with a sports, fashion, food, travel or any kind of blog? Most people either don’t believe it’s possible or feel that they lack the confidence, computer skills, and writing ability to begin. In the beginning, I had held a similar skepticism, and complete lack of confidence. But today, I’m making enough money through this blog to […]
5 Ways Travelers Can Make Money Online
From Korea to Guatemala I saw them. They always looked so clever clicking away on their laptops. “So you actually make enough money online to travel?” I would ask, squinting with incredulity. “Yea, it’s really not too hard once you get the hang of it,” they would reply, taunting me and my dumpster diving ways. […]
A Guide To Street Performing & Making Money On The Road
I raise the Harmonica to my lips. My palms are so sweaty the harp nearly slides out. My eyes survey the potential audience, a few old ladies meandering by and a homeless guy on an adjacent bench. I can see all the notes and my brain knows exactly how to play them. I exhale into the […]
How To Teach English Abroad
You’re stuck, in need of change, and looking for any way out. You don’t want to go back to school or put in another monotonous year at work. You want to travel and experience life in a new land. But rent and living has left you so broke you can’t even splurge on a can […]
Work In Exchange For Passage
With only 600$ to my name, I needed to figure out a way to cross the Darien gap on the cheap or better yet for free. I reviewed all the Darien Gap options and decided that my best bet was to try and hitch a ride on a sailboat. Although I knew I might have […]
Business For Backpackers: Drugs, Jewelry, & Fruit
One of the greatest things about backpacking around the world is that it grants one perspective. It is this perspective, that only a foreigner can posses, that enables those with entrepreneurial eyes to identify potentially lucrative niches. In other words, backpackers are continually aware of things such as price disparities between neighboring countries, or how […]
How To Work On A Luxury Yacht
There are few jobs as ideal for the long-term budget backpacker or runaway than working aboard a private luxury yacht. If you are lucky enough to become a crewmember aboard one of these glamorous behemoths, you can expect an adventure like no other. However, finding work aboard a private yacht is no easy endeavor and […]
How To Become A Pirate
Among the prospective life paths I envisioned as a child, becoming a pirate ranked right up there with Indiana Jones, James Bond, and Batman. What could be cooler than climbing aboard a ship with a bunch of one eyed, ragtag, parrot wearing sailors and setting sail in search of plunder and adventure in the unknowns […]