5 Unique Hideouts
7 Possibile Paths
Loads Of Runaway Tips
14 Steps To Liberation
1 Decision To Make
“Imagine the freedom and potential for change that could arise when removed from your habitual environment. You could be free. Free from the constraints of society, free from social obligations, free from your reflection in the eyes of others and free to imagine yourself in anyway you want.”
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In This eBook You’ll Learn
- If you should really run away or not
- How to overcome you fears
- How to travel as cheap as possible
- What to pack
- Exactly what documents you need
- Travel tricks for the smallest of budgets
- How to adapt to the unknown
- How to become the person you’ve always wanted to be
Why Runaway Now?
“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” – Lao Tzu
- You need to change the direction of your life
- You’re tired of being afraid
- You’re ready to be happy
- You want to escape for a few weeks or even a few years
- You’re not sure where to start but…
You’re ready to go NOW!
What’s Inside?
Part I: Run Away The Right Way
- Step 1: Make The Right Decision
- Step 2: Face Your Fears
- Step 3: Get Over Them
- Step 4: Be Who You Want To Be
- Step 5: Don’t Worry About Money
- Step 6: Learn These Lessons
- Step 7: Run Away The Right Way
Part II: Run Away Now
- Step 1: Make A Plan
- Step 2: Choose A Destination
- Step 3: Find A Hideout
- Step 4: Pack Your Bag
- Step 5: Prepare
- Step 6: Get There
- Step 7: Run Away Now
7 New Life Paths:
- Travel Blogger
- Deckhand
- Entrepreneurship
- English Teacher
10 Unique Hideouts In:
- Thailand
- Guatemala
- Nicaragua
- Egypt
10 Essential Lessons On:
- happiness on the road
- the path to contentment
- the relativity of life
- how to survive & thrive
About The Author
My name is Leif and I’m from New York. When I was 16 I ran away from home.
However, I didn’t just run away to the neighbor’s house or to the next state. I ran to Europe, the Middle East and even North Africa. I did it all without a cent to my name. I was 16.
Although such a trip might sound incredible to some of you, most of the time it was anything but. I went hungry for days. Slept under countless cold down pours. I fell victim to various vicious drugs. I spent weeks in solitude not talking to or seeing a single soul. Ultimately, I suffered.
But through my suffering I grew. I was forced to comprehend those truths of travel, and also of life. I became grateful for my privileged upbringing. I began to see everyone as siblings, connected beings. In the end, I realized the power of travel as a medium for change, growth and happiness. But I also realized the limits of this growth and happiness when you run away for the wrong reasons.
So, I eventually returned home to make amends. And while I didn’t stay for long, I stayed long enough to ensure that the next time I ran away, I did it the right way.
In the past decade I have visited over 80 countries around the world. During this time, travel enabled me to thrive. I transformed from a beatnik backpacker able to survive on the smallest of budgets into an online entrepreneur purposefully creating my own life.
This ebook is intended for everyone.
It is for those who aren’t sure whether to run away or not. It is for anyone apprehensive about traveling. It is for people who are ready to run towards travel and run now. And it is for everyone who has ever contemplated the prospects of travel as a medium for change, growth and happiness.

I will personally help YOU:
- decide the best place for you to go
- pick a hideout for your budget
- find the cheapest means to get there
- with any question or concern you have
“Thrust yourself into the unknown, where nothing is set and anything that can happen could happen. You will suffer through hardships in the beginning, but you will adapt to everything that comes your way, grow from your experiences and in doing so become a more confident, intelligent and happier person.” – Run Away Now by Leif Harum