A lot of you older folks are probably thinking, what is this guide, what is this madness? I want to runaway, but not like this.
Admittedly, my guides are fairly budget backpacker oriented. Regardless, no matter how old you are, you can runaway too! You can pick up, change your career and change your life! All you have to do is believe and have the courage to do so.
I once met a 65 year old Irish man who, 10 years earlier, had decided to embark on the backpacking trip he had never taken in his youth. He was one of the most enlightened people I have ever met.
What Hinduism Says
In fact, the dogma of Hinduism actually promotes running away. It posits that after 20-30years of societal obligations, it is now time to withdraw from society, and seek the true meaning of life. And that this requires a pilgrimage out into the world or into nature. According to Houston Smith, in “The World’s Religions,” “Must the human spirit be indentured to society forever? The time has come to begin ones true adult education, to discover who one is and what life is about.”
At the extreme, this implies that one must completely forgo the ego and live as a beggar. On the other hand, it can be interpreted as simply a removal from ones society in order to better comprehend the self. So, if Hinduism rings true for you, than your golden years are when you are actually meant to travel.
If you’re, according to Sinatra, “young at heart,” open to adventure, tired of the rat race, and enjoy the teachings of Hinduism, it may just be time for you to runaway too. In this guide, I will present you with a series of runaway travel options that range the spectrum from the extreme to the extremely comfortable.
1) Start A Blog/Website
Blogging isn’t just for teenagers with too much time on their hands. These days blogs have become one of the internets best source of experiential information, as well as a leading online industry. And anyone with a computer, a unique point of view and a strong will can start one, and potentially live off one. To learn how I did it, check out How To Start A Blog & Make Money.
2) Become Homeless
Homeless!? What? This reaction is understandable. Homelessness is a word with a rather negative connotation. Our whole lives we have looked down on the homeless as failures or weak. While this may be true for most homeless people, some are the antithesis of this. The latter are people who are well educated and sober but due to an inner calling or terrible accident, have decided to resign from society.
For instance, one man I met lost his entire family in a car accident. So distraught over this, he preferred a life of solitude and contemplation.
Practically speaking, the best place for you to become homeless is the South of France. The climate is beautiful, the bread and cheese are compliments of the state and there is a great tent community along the beach. More, the French government will provide you with, regardless of your nationality, 500 euro, deposited monthly into a special bankcard. So, if you’re broke and don’t mind camping, going homeless in southern France may be the path for you.
2) Work On A Yacht
This sounds more like it right? If you’ve ever wanted to travel the high seas of the Caribbean and Mediterranean, working on a luxurious private yacht may be your ideal. There are a few different positions where age is not an issue. Depending on your experience, you can apply as an engineer, chef or maid. All of which pay considerably and provide you with free room and board. The best places to seek out this line of work are the harbors of Spain, Southern France and Ft. Lauderdale. For more information, refer to the following runaway guide, “How To Work On A Luxury Yacht.”
3) Volunteer
Two of the most accommodating and well known agencies are the Peace Corps and United Nations Volunteer program. The Peace Corps generally consists of recent college graduates but has many older professionals as well. Basically, it is a 27 month commitment. You can pick what region of the world you would like to go to but can’t pick the specific country. They will provide you with a stipend and language courses and at the end of your service they will grant you 6500$ to help you get back on your feet. Another great volunteer program is the United Nations Volunteers. The UNV is more oriented towards professionals. Unlike employment in the UN, you won’t need an advanced university degree. So if you have experience in any relevant field and believe in the goals of the UN, you may want to consider signing up with the UNV .
4) Go Backpacking
Finally, you can always go backpacking. There really is no age limit. Whether you’re 18, fresh out of high school or 65, there are no prejudices among travelers. They are a community of people from all backgrounds, cultures, nationalities and ages who share a single passion. Travel. If you ride a motorcycle or row crew, then you are probably already familiar with this. When you are flying down the 101 freeway in California at 101 mph, you can’t help but smile and wave to other bikers. The freedom and euphoria is shared. And the same goes for travelers. So don’t think you are too old for backpacking or worry that you won’t fit in. You are never too old and you and your life story will be a source of intrigue for other travelers, I guarantee it.
5) Run Away With Me
In the last few years, I’ve been coming up with various ways to help others pick up, leave their current lives and discover new life paths and opportunities abroad.
You could either:
1) Join me on an upcoming Runaway Tour
Runaway Tours are all about getting into the budget travel flow in some of the best regions for backpacking in the world, Central America, Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe. They’re the perfect introduction to traveling on a budget. Plus, during many of the tours you’ll find out about potential travel sustaining jobs and options along the way.
2) Reinvent Yourself…
From who you are now, to the best version of you. If you’re not ready to run away just yet, and looking to change your outlook on life, check out our latest project, Everyday Enlightenment: Beginnings.
This journal is a 21 day self guided course designed to help people, quell anxiety, gain control, find purpose & love life! It represents the culmination of all my travel experiences over the past 14 years in 80 countries. It was also developed with the help of 9 masters of yoga and meditation.
These are just a few of the options that lay waiting for you. If you have the courage to chose one, you will surely have a blast and, perhaps, even discover a deeper sense of self. It will be frightening at first but it will quickly get easier. So why not take a chance, break the mold, do away with conceptions of age, and runaway too!?!? Contact me now and we’ll make it happen! TheRunawayGuide@yahoo.com
I have a really strict family and i am 18 years old amd my parents never trusted me to go out not even with cousins ive never had a job they wont let me and i get yelled all the time and i cant take the pressure and i am very desperate to run away and ive never been on a vacation in america or anywhere else, is it possible that i can have a full guide on running away or while im going? Ive never been on my own.
– Elie
Im 40 years old and have been running away since I was 18. In this age of mobile phones and the internet its not as exciting as we still see facebook updates of life at home etc. Safety is my priority, and Im not naive like I was at 18. Had a few lucky escapes!! I love London, just a 2 hour train ride from where I live, but so easy to get ‘lost’ there. For some bizarre reason I always use a fake name even though Im not doing anything illegal. Just my little escape I guess. I remember getting the last train to London back in 1996 and listening to Soul Asylum’s ‘Runaway Train’, then sleeping at Centrepoint Soho after declaring myself homeless. There must be a lot of free spirits out there…just be safety conscious at all times, I know of one lady who vanished a few years ago and its believed shes come to serious harm.
I’m so done. Done. Done. Done.
wow.. nobody has responded to this blog in a while. How is the travel thing going Runaway Guide? Still doing it?
Hey Frank, yea, I’ve been busy with other endeavors. But yea, still traveling. Going to get writing soon! :)
Do you think 62 is too old. Kids are all grown and graduated college as of this year and I can’t stand waiting around. Unfortunately, I’m waiting for a new liver and I’ve been on a transplant list since last July. The waiting is brutal!
Never too old! Wishing you the best!
Im 22 and am ready to leave the space i live in. Ready for something new and enlightening. Not much money saved. And Not sure where to start…
Hey Kadeem, you’re definitely welcome on one of my tours :)
Hi I’m Billie Jean really want travel I’m 49 and retired want see other places and cultures… I only been on a plane once I want go now but don’t know how to get started…
Hey Billie Jean,
No problem at all. Have you seen the Lake Atitlan Hideout? I think you might really enjoy it.
Hey Leif,
Your articles are some of the finest I’ve seen. Especially this one – truly inspirational.
I’ve worked in fairly well paid jobs in London now for many years (I’m 39), but hated every minute of it. I’ve known deeply that corporate work is not for me, and have considered simple homelessness many times.
Just recently I’ve deliberately driven myself into a situation where I can’t realistically return to my old life – to force myself to make a change. So I’m looking for a new life in the spirit you present here on your blog. I have approximately 4k equivalent USD to my name in total, and no support network at all. I have to move fast.
As I suspect there are many of your audience in similar circumstances, it would be fantastic if you could let me know a couple of things:
1. Whether you know of anyone that had simply set off in circumstances similar to mine and come to any kind of success/long-term happiness?
2. If there is anywhere more recently confirmed still in existence than the Antibes squat you know of – especially in Europe, because I don’t need a visa there.
3. How to protect access to your money in case the bank decide to freeze your card for ‘unusual activity’
3. Any further tips at all :)
Cheers and many, many thanks,
Hey Rob,
Thanks a lot. Much appreciated!
Come with me to Guatemala on Nov 19th or Dec 26th.
Start off with me and the group and then I’ll help you get set up in a sweet apartment with lake views and even a bar tending job if you want. Lot’s of possibilities on Lake Atitlan and non stop spring weather.
As an American not fluent in Spanish… (But would have working phone with translator app) how safe would it be for me to walk to south America ? Or should I get a flight to Europe and trek there?
Hey Benjamin, definitely. I would learn some basics first though. This is my favorite program cause it actually teaches you how to speak conversationally, and does it quickly. You can buy it here, Pimsluer Spanish, or find it as a torrent ;) I wouldn’t let a lack of language skills deter you from traveling in Central or South America. When I first went I couldn’t say anything but Hola and Chica Bonita :)
I have felt like running away since I was 18 but now I am 50, happily married with a beautiful woman and have a kid who is a scholar and a sportsperson. I continue to have a strong urge to backpack around the world but I am tied to my family and there’s the mortgage. So the sad story is that maybe I shall always continue to drift along, following the same routine.
Hey Posh, never too late to take a trip!
Hey Leif. These are some nice ideas you’ve got here. But I always catch myself worrying about physical, mental, emotional health while on the road. Maybe you could provide some insight on how you look after those areas? I am 18 and kind of overweight, and health used to be something I just practiced but now its become a necessity. I also have medicine I take for a mental illness that I have. Would love to talk to you in private about how I can make these adventures a reality. Thanks for everything you do.
Hey Jessica, email me anytime at therunawayguide@yahoo.com and we’ll brainstorm :)
Don’t forget packing your bicycle and just pedaling off! There’s warmshowers.org and workaway.com for like-minded folk. The former hosts bike travelers; the latter is for anyone who wants to volunteer some time doing work in exchange for a place to stay.
True! Those are great sites!
I have the urge. The bite. The need. Wanderlust flows through my veins like oxygen. However, one huge obstacle stands in front of me. Fear. I’m afraid I will get somewhere and have no way to return home. Or to move on. I’m just afraid of running out of funds. Any suggestions on how to conquer this beast and set out on my life adventure?
Hey David, I know what you mean. It’s definitely scary at first. But you just gotta go for it. Because the more you trust and go with it, the more everything tends to work out. I’m going to write more on this in future articles.
What about WWOOF-ing? World Wide Organization of Organic Farms…My daughter and I WWOOFed for a month in New Zealand. It was heaven…
The deal is: 30 hours of (mainly farm) work a week for room and board. Every situation is different, but New Zealanders seem to really understand this mode of running away. WWOOF-ing is everywhere, though.
Hey, WWOOFing is awesome! I should do an article on it. I hear NZ is a great place for it. Cheers!