When I was 18, I spent five months traveling through India and Nepal. While I greatly enjoyed Sikh and Hindu culture, the ubiquity of poverty in both countries was overwhelming. Like “Slum Dog Millionaire,” countless blind and diseased children begging on the street would approach me. Although I wanted to help them all, it was not possible. I am often still plagued by these memories.
These experiences and others like them had an enormous impact in shaping my perspectives and goals. I became inspirited with an intense desire to help. And so I undertook a course of study at the United Nations University to obtain the necessary skills and knowledge to one day help ameliorate the poverty I had witnessed. Although I have since discontinued these studies, my desire to help is no less passionate.
In my mind, I used to believe that due to the size and funding of the UN, that it was the only medium by which I could contribute. However, I have recently realized my new potential as an independent travel blogger.
Not only does being a travel blogger grant me an audience but it also connects me with other like-minded travelers. The result is a potentially massive network and audience by which to promote some important causes.
Chirs Walker Bush of Aussie On The Road realized this potential and has utilized it to help empower his readers. He has developed a Travel Blogger Calendar to help raise money for one of the most effective and respected NGO’s in Nepal, the Mitrata Nepal Foundation for Childeren.
This foundation is one that I have heard about in the past. It is well known for being a kind of all inclusive orphanage. It provides a loving atmosphere as well as education for hundreds of children.Towards this end, they are always in need of international volunteers. However, since volunteering in Nepal is not so easy for most of us, they can also always use some extra funding. This is where the Travel Blogger Calander comes in.
If you’re looking to donate to a charity this holiday season, I highly recommend purchasing a calander. Both the Men or Women of Travel Blogging Calander costs 25$ and all proceeds are donated to the Mitrata Foundation as well as a similar organization called Volenteers Overcoming Poverty in Thailand.
The Mens Calander includes such incredibly dead sexy and emotionally disturbing travel bloggers such as Raymond Walsh from Man On The Lam, Jeremy Foster from travelFreak, and of course Chris Walker Bush. How the ultimate big sexy that is myself, The Runaway Guide, didn’t make the cut this year is beyond me, maybe next year.
The Womens Calendar features the scrumptious Alexandra Kovacova from Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler, the beautifully bossomed Jess Jones from Journey with Jess Jones, and the vivacious Alexandra Pucherilli from Fluent in Frolicking.
Granted you probably don’t know any of the people in this calendar personally or even at all. But how cool would it be to own such a random calendar and hang it in your house for all your guests to see? One thing is for sure, it will make for a good conversation starter. It could even make a an exceedingly awkward present…. “Uh thanks Mom… but who are these people?”
So what are you waiting for? Get the 2013 Travel Blogging Calendar Now! You won’t be disappointed.
It is very nice your Article about Childeren in Nepal. It is useful information.
Thank you
No worries. Were trying to do our best. Unfortunately we didn’t manage to raise much money >< Maybe next year though we will do better.
I like that I fall under the category “emotionally disturbing”. Me Ma, she’s so proud. :)
Great article and thanks for the plug for two very great charities.
Hahah, inshallah you guys will get some more sales.
Lovely! Thanks for the mention :)
My pleasure :)
Thanks for mentioning the calendar, Leif! We are very proud of this project, despite some of the backlash :)
My pleasure, I hope it helps!