After a scenic flight over the alps, our small plane taxied into it’s parking spot at Frankfurt Auf Main airport.
Out the window a black Porche pulled up beside the plane. “Jesus, look at that beauty of a car, it’s probably here to pick up the Prime Minister or something,” I whispered.
We walked down the stairs, onto the tarmac, and shuffled into the crowded old tarmac-to-gate bus. Suddenly the driver of the Porsche leapt into the bus and yelled out my name.
“Mr. Ha-rummmmm!”
My jaw dropped, eyes widened, and a wee bit of pee giddily let itself free.
“Please come with me sir, your Porsche is waiting for you,” the driver said with nonchalance.
All eyes were on me, and to be honest, I was a little embarrassed…but not enough to say no!
He drove us across runways and along side massive Airbus A380’s, and after 15 minutes, we arrived at the First Class Lounge.
And that’s how Lufthansa First Class began, like a G.
How To Book First Class On Lufthansa
Booking this flight was relatively simple. I opened my United app and searched for reward flights to Kathmandu. Why did I use United to book a Lufthansa flight? United is a star alliance partner, which means you can book Lufthansa or any of the 27 other airlines within the alliance. More, it was less points to book Lufthansa using the United Award Search Engine than it would have been to book with Lufthansa’s miles and smiles program.

First Saver Award tickets book quick, so book in advance. Somehow managed to book this flight though.
After a couple of searches, I found it; Turin to Frankfurt on Dolomiti, Frankfurt to Delhi on Lufthansa, and Delhi to Kathmandu on Air India. 55k points for Business class, or 65k points for First. The decision was easy.
Next I transferred the points, 130,000 from my Chase Sapphire Reserve card to United Airlines. You can do this on or using Chase’s mobile app. The transfer was immediate, and I booked 2 tickets right then and there.
If you’re interested in this credit card, Chase is currently offering a 50k point sign up bonus. Although the annual fee is 450$, you get 300$ back each year for any travel related expenses, this even includes dining out in the US. You also get a Priority Pass lounge access at almost every airport in the world. To me, this is the best travel credit card available, and totally worth the annual fee.
Back To The Flight
After a delicious lunch buffet at Lufthansa’s First Class Lounge, the driver came back and delivered us to our plane, again by Porsche.

First Class Lounge Snack Bar
Before taking the elevator up to the plane, we got the chance to get a closer look of Airbus’s double decker A380. As an airplane enthusiast, this was a remarkable experience. The engines looked as though they could have fit 3 VW Beetles in them. The wings could have easily doubled as a tennis courts. I was in heaven, and the flight hadn’t even started!
On board
Gracious German flight attendants ushered us to our seats. We were immediately served Champaign with caviar, which was followed by meal after delicious meal. How they can cook a medium rare steak on a plane is beyond me.

Little bit of smoked salmon to get things started!

Comtes Champagne Rose. A beautiful thing.

Changing into Lufthansa pj’s in the bathroom.
What A Flight
Although I’ve only flown first class once before, from San Francisco to Hong Kong on Singapore Air, I feel confident saying that Lufthansa’s First Class is definitely among the best in terms of hard product and service. The Porsche pickup, the bubble bath, and buffet in the almost empty lounge, to the A380 walk around, the huge seats with red roses, the finest campaigns and wines, and the service all made this a flight I’ll not soon forget.
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