Strict traditional Sharia Law governs Sudan and its people. In the result, many things considered commonplace in the West are considered morally reprehensible and may be punishable by flogging and in some cases death. So unless you want to find out what 40 lashes feel like, below is a list of 5 things not to do while you’re in Sudan.
1) If you are a women, don’t wear tight fitting clothes which show off your figure
2) Don’t distribute or watch pornography
3) Don’t Gamble
4) Don’t brew, sell, or drink alcohol
5) Don’t sell or smoke Hashish
A few other things I would also steer clear of:
1) Adultry
2) Eating or serving pork
3) Sodomy
4) Public display of affection between unmarried couples
5) Blasphemy or promoting a religion other than Islam
6) Taking Mohammed’s name in vain
7) Loud Music after dark
If you were wondering, why 40 lashes? The answer is that this is the age Mohamed was when he received the Koran from Allah. So symbolically, it takes 40 lashes until you see the error of your Allah-less ways.
If you don’t believe me, below is a video of a women receiving 40 lashings for wearing trousers in public. The women is from South Sudan and isn’t even Muslim. This is one of the reasons why the US government has put economic sanctions on Sudan.
But just because the government can be on the extreme side, it doesn’t mean the people of Sudan are. In fact Sudanese people are some of the friendliest, and most laid back people of the Islamic world. So, if you get a chance, definitely head to Sudan for a cultural experience unlike any other. Just be sure to steer clear of the aforementioned heresies.
The limit of 40 lashes is from the Torah, the Quran being a continuation of the laws of the God of Abraham.
Ahhh, that makes sense. They did all evolve from the Torah didn’t they.
Damn… Looks like I’d end up with a lot of lashes if I ever visit Sudan!!
Hah, yea, not so backpacker friendly.
I disagree with these rules as I would say the man and women should have equal rights as people have in western countries. I believe people who don’t believe in equal rights shouldn’t be allowed to be in our society, they are just slowing our progress.
I completely agree with you.
Seems if you are a woman, then you are in for some rough times in Sudan. Bad place to go on holiday.
Yes, definitely not a holiday destination.