February 7th 2014 Skype Session (Guatemala – Sudan) Champion: I decided to go to Libya and then to Italiya. Hope we will meet in Norway. Leif: I’m coming with you then. When are you going to do this? Champion: hahahaha great thanks habibi. Leif Harum: I’m serious. I’m ready to meet you in Egypt/Libya. Champion: March […]
Operation African Asylum: The Search (Part 2)
Just hours before I departed from JFK, I was put in contact with a a documentary film maker named Filippo. He and his wife had just completed the first portion of a UN sponsored documentary on the plight of African asylum seekers. Having done an exceptional amount of research, Filippo offered me loads of up to […]
How To Get A Visa For The UK
Although the UK is a part of the EU, Brits disdain being referred to as Europeans. This ideology has led them to keep the British pound, and also adopt a stricter set of policies concerning immigration. So if you’re heading to the UK as a tourist, student, or worker, here’s what you need to know […]
Detained At UK Immigration
“I am detaining you, please step into the waiting area sir,” said the immigration officer. “What? Why? I don’t understand,” I pleaded. But before I knew it, and without any explanation, I was ushered into a rectangular pen in the middle of the immigration hall. I took a seat, buried my head in my hands […]