Everyone always says that going traveling will help you find your purpose. They exclaim that adapting to new environments builds confidence. They claim that the entire experience becomes an asset that you can draw upon for the rest of your life. Honestly, I couldn’t agree more. It was because of an understanding of my privileged position in the […]
Best & Worst Travel Moments Of 2014 & 2015
The year started out with a fireworks show on the mystical Mayan Lake Atitlan. From there I traveled to Sicily, France, Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Japan, Sri Lanka, back to Italy, England and finally New York in time for Christmas. Not only did I visit heaps of countries, even by my standards, but […]
What To Do If The Airline Loses Your Bag
Me: But it’s been 5 days already! Your website says that now Norwegian Air will take over the search. Norwegian Air Rep: Please contact World Tracer at Stockholm Arlanda Airport sir. Me: Will I be given any compensation? My brand new camera was in that backpack as was all of my camping gear. I was […]
A Guide To Street Performing & Making Money On The Road
I raise the Harmonica to my lips. My palms are so sweaty the harp nearly slides out. My eyes survey the potential audience, a few old ladies meandering by and a homeless guy on an adjacent bench. I can see all the notes and my brain knows exactly how to play them. I exhale into the […]
Top 6 European Cities For Cheap Living & Good Times
Europe’s not easy for budget backpackers. In 2014, 6 of the top 10 most expensive cities in the world went to European cities. These include Oslo, London, Geneva, Paris and Amsterdam to name a few. They’re awesome cities and great stops on any European tour, but they’re also serious budget killers. Fortunately, Europe is home to […]
Flying On The New 787 Dreamliner
There’s nothing quite like that moment. The engines are howling, the wheels are about to pop, and everyones heads are bobbling around like fourth graders dying for a pee. It seems to last forever. You think an engine might explode and engulf the entire cabin in flames. You can envision the captains cursing in panic as […]
10 Paradoxes From Around The World
The more you travel, the more you begin to notice the paradoxes, ironies, and injustices that characterize the world. While some are comical, others are disturbing. If more widely known, they would surely inspire change. After 8 years of backpacking and over 60 countries, below are just a few of the paradoxes I’ve noticed. 1) […]
James Bond’s Travel Wallet
Aside from fantasizing about travel, I love to dream about hitting the lottery. During one of my internet fueled dream sessions I came across a travel wallet. It was practical, sleek, and classy. It was everything I realized I wanted in a travel wallet. Given my measly travel blogger budget, I didn’t have the resources […]
8 Songs That Will Inspire You To Run Away
Whenever I hear these songs I feel like running away. Even if I’m on already on the road, I feel like throwing my pack on my shoulder and wandering to the corners of the map to find something new. More than scent, sight, taste, or touch, it’s sound that does it for me. Many of […]
Everyone Thinks I’m Running Away
Everyone thinks I’m running away from life. They tell me I need to go back to school, find a real job and settle down. They say I can’t keep running away forever. I understand where they’re coming from. I really do. And considering I literally ran away from home at 16, I’m not surprised they’re […]
The Best Part About Being The Runaway Guide
I’m really lucky to be doing what I’m doing. I get to travel the world and write about all the crazy adventures I have. But by far the most rewarding part about being The Runaway Guide is not drinking massive amounts of sugarcane juice or surfing down volcanoes but rather the ability to inspire people […]
Big News: Summer In Sweden!
I am writing to you now from train 58. A Stockholm bound train that has just departed from Kongsvinger, Norway. Through the flat screen window on my left, a typical Scandinavian summer scene soars by. A wide river helps us carve a path through the dense spruce and pine forests that seem to cover every […]