The Runaway Guide To Southeast Asia is not a traditional guide. It’s a tour! Designed to make backpacking Southeast Asia: Stress Free Cheap without compromising comfort indescribably fun Composed of everything you need to know and nothing you don’t: Find out exactly how to get from big airports to mind blowing beaches! Discover my favorite jungle retreats, beach bungalows, and […]
The Best Country For First Time Budget Backpackers
You’re dead set on running away and backpacking the world. You’ve found the courage, you’ve saved up enough money, and maybe your bag is already packed. The only thing left to do now…decide where you’re going to go first. The beauty about this predicament is that you can literally go anywhere you want. On the […]
Why Everyone Should Visit Malaysia
Malaysia is one of those countries that many backpackers don’t make it to. Unlike Thailand with its infamous beach parties or Bali with its relaxing yoga retreats, Malaysia has no claim to fame. Most people only know of the country through its commercial, which proclaims, “Malaysia Truly Asia.” The video leaves you with vague conceptions […]