When I was 15 and a Sophomore in high school, I wanted out. I didn’t have many friends and I always felt like a goofy outcast. I just couldn’t visualize any future in my small New York suburb high school. And I always thought to myself, “I never signed up for this, so why the hell am […]
How To Sneak Into Anywhere
One of the skill sets I acquired as long-term runaway was the ability to sneak into just about anywhere. I sweet talked my way into luxury hotels and relaxed in their hot tubs, pools, and saunas. I snuck onto trains and traveled thousands of kilometers. I even managed to enter the Pyramids with a fake […]
8 Songs That Will Inspire You To Run Away
Whenever I hear these songs I feel like running away. Even if I’m on already on the road, I feel like throwing my pack on my shoulder and wandering to the corners of the map to find something new. More than scent, sight, taste, or touch, it’s sound that does it for me. Many of […]
Everyone Thinks I’m Running Away
Everyone thinks I’m running away from life. They tell me I need to go back to school, find a real job and settle down. They say I can’t keep running away forever. I understand where they’re coming from. I really do. And considering I literally ran away from home at 16, I’m not surprised they’re […]
The Best Part About Being The Runaway Guide
I’m really lucky to be doing what I’m doing. I get to travel the world and write about all the crazy adventures I have. But by far the most rewarding part about being The Runaway Guide is not drinking massive amounts of sugarcane juice or surfing down volcanoes but rather the ability to inspire people […]
How To Convince Your Parents To Let You Run Away & Travel The World
If you want to hit the open road and explore the world but have douche bags for… I mean parents who are very much opposed, this article is for you. Whether you believe that talking to them would be a waste of time or whether you have already argued for hours, convincing your parents to […]
Q&A For First Time Runaways
1) How much money do I need to run away & travel the world? If you don’t mind sleeping the street or eating leftovers, you won’t need a dime. Travel is possible on a budget as low as 0$ a day, and The Runaway Road Guides are here to show you how. However, admittedly, this […]
How To Run Away From Home & Travel The World
*The Following guide is intended for real aspiring runaways and less oriented towards the budget backpacker. My decision to run away from home wasn’t only motivated by my desire to travel. In fact, to be honest, much of it had to do with a growing depression surrounding school and life in general. Like many 16 […]
How To Sleep On The Street
If you want to save some money and think you got what it takes to brave the elements, the homeless, the police and the prostitutes, you may want to consider hitting the streets for a not always good nights rest too. The following guide will offer you priceless tips, from picking the safest spots to […]
How To Fly For Cheap
Your plane ticket is probably the largest investment you will make for your backpacking adventure. Today, after 9/11 and the financial crisis, flying is more expensive than ever. Fuel surcharge, homeland security tax, airport tax and even tax on the tax! It has become a bit ridiculous. However, it is still possible to find a […]
How To Pick Your Backpack
Your backpack is unquestionably the most important piece of equipment you will need for your backpacking adventure. Sometimes it will be your dearest friend and support your head on those long train rides. It will provide you with a comfortable seat or backrest when you get tired. You will cuddle with it on the floors […]
How To Make Romance On The Road
Many a backpackers dream is to head off to a foreign land and taste the local sashimi. However, if you don’t want to pay outrageous prices for sometimes outdated fish, you’re gonna have to learn some tricks. In this guide I will present you with the tips that will maximize your potential for road romance. […]