I awoke to what I thought was an earthquake. My bed was shaking violently, and I could hear the cries of a backpacker. O no, here we go again, just like Tokyo” I thought in panic as I prepared to make my escape. But as I gathered my senses, I realized that these were not […]
Stop Drinking the Water: A Diarrhea Monologue
Copy: If you think I get diarrhea a lot, then you would be right. Although I don’t have irritable bowel syndrome or some other gastro-intestinal disorder, I do have a very short memory and grandiose bowel ego. In other words, I am quick to forget how discomforting the last bout of diarrhea really was, […]
Detained At UK Immigration
“I am detaining you, please step into the waiting area sir,” said the immigration officer. “What? Why? I don’t understand,” I pleaded. But before I knew it, and without any explanation, I was ushered into a rectangular pen in the middle of the immigration hall. I took a seat, buried my head in my hands […]
Never Throw The First Punch In Japan
If I had only been familiar with Japanese law and understood the risk of deportation, I would have never challenged that drunken Samurai to a fight. Here’s how it all went down. Four Japanese friends and I had just departed from an awesome soccer match between Japan and Scotland. As we cruised the city […]
An Earthquake State Of Mind
Over the course of my travels I have been witness to some pretty intense events, both natural and manmade. I have been held captive by furious forest fires in the city of Santa Barbara, California. My body and senses have been overcome by fear in the midst of a terrorist attack on the Taba Hilton […]